Thursday, November 29, 2007

" What is the purpose of your living in this world? More importantly, what are YOU to the world?"

One question that indra used to ask umpteen times, yet one that i can never have an answer to.

I do, sometimes screech to a halt from being awfully busy with homework that comes with no holds barred, and ponder upon such questions.

NO. I'm not talking bout economics here. We're not going into the costs or benefits that i incurred or gave to the society.
but rather

are we meant to do something, with the precious presence of mind that we are given?

Or are we completely engulfed in the mist of all the misconstrued perseptions that we've been impelled to believe

TO just follow the path that we think we have to take?

There is never such path, only the blinkered ones think there is.

so before you continue your journey on the road that u think u ought to take and are taking, to be like everyone else, think,

IS this really what i want at the end of the day?

for someone like me who's already 20, how many more 20's do i get? 3 perhaps?

so, what should and what can you do to somehow, maybe change the world?

or do you choose to give back your presence without it being well used, or worse, felt?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I have not felt so much of satisfaction for a very long time
12++ hours of sleep!!
and i'm still sleepy, damn ;p
having people who love to party(in their room) a few doors away is not such a pleasant thing, really.
not at least if u sleep alot like pigs but do not sleep like one

I lurVVE wednesdays!! cuz i get to do alot of things that i deprived myself from on other days and today will be quite exciting i guess, second volleyball match and it's against imperial!! It's rather amazing how our team can play so well as A TEAM, when we've only practiced a few times. Not to mention that my team mates are really awesome people ;-)

But i need to finish my abstract maths homework before i get to hit some balls and kick some ass. I'm amazed at how much the subject can irritate me when i thought what we had in matematik moden was horrible.

I think a three year old kid can do better than me in this subject. Not to assume 2-1=1? Nah, that's too much.

Monday, November 19, 2007

i miss cheap food
i miss annoying my dogs
i miss annoying my parents
i miss going to midvalley and watching movies that cost me less than a pound
i miss having ice kacang that doesn't cost me 6 pounds
i miss telling what i want for lunch and dinner at home and having them right when i want them
i miss watching the big screen at home and dozing off with the remote control grasped in my palm
i miss being surrounded by friends who don't talk about internships all the time
i miss driving and not walking around
i miss shopping IN a mall and not walking down streets with smokers stinking my clothes
i miss doing random things at home
i miss playing fusball and screaming when someone scores
i miss wearing flip flops wherever i go
i miss having my hair cut at 1 pound
i miss everything at home