moveD on..stOpped by..and movIng on agaiN - it's just the way life worKs
it's one of those days when i feel like i'm dreaming and everything regardless of how i'm feeling just go on as they normally do..they don't stop...they nv do when i finished national service and the sudden change back to my life at home was a bit more waking up at more physical trainings and classes...and most importantly no more seeing my buddies in ns's the end and you just have to move on...but before i could mentally move on..i missed the life there badly..yes even the boring classes..unless i get myself very busy...i will still think a lot bout it...and now i'm feeling exactly the's been both shockingly fast and long at the same time, a in coll...and when my friend told me after my last paper on friday that this is finally the formal end of our a levels, i still din absorb the fact cuz i was basically TOO absorbed with the damn DAMN econs paper..but now i really do...i keep thinking things that happened in coll+hostel this one and a half year...the orientation day..the first class( it's sheila's class!) ..prom...class trips...hostel life..but if i were to move out of hostel now the effect of the aftermath will definitely be greater...
coll life has been an interesting journey...know loads of new friends..gain lots academically( obviously ).. try new things..perception much wider now...and i think i've grown up and matured more as well...knowing more about people and how to deal with them...and know how to control my FINANCES better...cuz staying outside really makes u budget better(and a bit more stingy as well hehe)....but one sad thing bout coll was that i din really get to do a lot of sports...thus in that sense i still very much prefer my life in secondary school...
feel like ending the post with something motivating ;-)
stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - it's when things seem worst that you musnt quit
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune:
but great minds rise above them
when obstacles arise, change your direction to reach your goal, not the decision to get there
A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials
always remember that your own resolution to succceed is more important than anything else-abraham lincoln