cHinese have this saying--> picture speaks a thousand words. So here's a miscellany of them... | View | Add Favorite
"enjoy Lif3 whil3 yOu are STill aliv3"
cHinese have this saying--> picture speaks a thousand words. So here's a miscellany of them... | View | Add Favorite
random ramblings by
S.zhen a.k.a. reVerie
12:58 AM
Alrite...college started three weeks ago and it's been very noticeably different from last semester..i basically have only 16 hours of lecture per week and have lots of time to kill...surprisingly i kinda miss the good old busy days where i just spent hell lots of time doing maths questions and missing lots of sleep...it's quite an extreme change now that for some days my lecture only starts at two and ends at four...too leisurely paced i would say...i even started going malls on weekdays (like last monday) and do some shopping at hours which i would normally be having lectures...coolness...that's how life's been too good that it's like holiday everyday...however days of leisure such as these do normally culminate in money budgetting problems...cons of shopping-->argH...tell me about it....
watched quite a few movies : Just My Luck, Pirates of the Carribean 2 and the lake house. sO, as usual my takes on these movies....JML was fine for some good laughs and doing some unwinding job i would need after a long day....well the long awaited movie of johnny depp was kinda disapointing..a bit too draggy and it seems like they were just trying too hard to force some sense of humour into any scene possible that it seemed a little too desperate...but i do like the beginning part when depp was mistook as the god by some tribe that he was to be burned as a sacrifice...i wonder what happened to the poor dog...haha....and one more thing, the plots did not progress smooth enough that each plot was just bluntly cut off from one another...and the switch of plots often leave the audience baffled, who turned around in search of other faces contorted with puzzlement just to reassure themselves that they are not the only one not getting grip of the story ( fully at least)...hmm...speak of disapointment....the Lake House..haha....starring my all time favourite Keanu Reeves...still a lovable guy though he's in his forties... a typical slowly paced romance....but this one's quite a catch in that the time element it introduced was quite confusing with lots of flashbacks....really like the idea...somehow the puzzle fits perfectly well by the end of the story....and not to mention the lake house itself is such a beauty...a house made entirely of glass..it's just so cool...but privacy's a thing to abandon as said in the movie.......
my 19th birthday was a good one.....hostel mates decided to pay for my pussy cat dolls beach party ticket...appreciated it...the concert however was quite a disapointment...they put up a very short 45 minutes performance altogether...the live performance wasn't very good and i must say that they were not good at getting the crowd (and not to mention that the crowd was already so D-E-A-D)...so besides that, i had a mini-post concert-birthday surprise from my hostel mates..real sweet of them...then a classmate of mine treated me to a really satisfying meal at strudels, thanks kathik..went to strudels again today to treat some classmates..was quite disheartened when i couldnt have the blueberry strudels..will definitely add that to my must-try list of food....had double celebration with my family and am going to have a late celebration with my fellow good friends back in klang tomorrow....and i just found out something few days ago...according to my mum, i was born on the 1st day of the second month of June following the lunar calendar( apparently 1987 was a leap year with a double month of june)...so basically i will only celebrate my chinese birthday every 20++ years and strictly speaking i am not even one year old now following the lunar calendar..haha...that's great....i can be old yet so young ^.^
CutTing towArDs mY LasT yEar of t33n ;-)
random ramblings by
S.zhen a.k.a. reVerie
10:36 PM
Exam's been over like only one week but it 'd already seemed like ages...guess i had a really eventful and busy week then...alrite so wat was i basically busying with?? well the following two days after the last paper was quite an irony in some way...cuz i was busy shoppin for prom which fell on last thursday...shoppin's fun(given that u have some good money in hand to splurge) but if it's like hunting for stuffs under the pressure of seeing the clock ticking menacingly and you had yet lots to look for and the absence of sale's not helping you...you go like...why do ppl love shopping??hahaa...that however only remains a temporary issue....it won't be a crude generalisation that girls forever love shopping...then came thursday...was a real busy day....manage to catch the earliest superman returns at 11.45...wasn't really good though the movie...and my body was aching after the almost three hours long movie....think spiderman's much more interesting...talking bout movies...seriously can't wait to see captain jack sparrow on screen again...just hope that hopes don't always lead to dissapointment... after the movie...went back to hostel and prepared for prom...managed to get some shut eye then....prom was fine...get to see ppl looking their best and snap pics with fellow classmates and friends...performances were mediocre except for the first two performances especially the belly dancing which was really impressive..and the dancing troupe was said to have come from klang...haha....food was satisfactory but wasn't really anything special...after the late night....went back to hostel and started packing for the trip to perhentian....managed to have a little chitchat with becca and shaleen before we swayed subconsciously across the earth-slumberland border and had a sound sleep...and before we really sunk into a good sleep, the ever nettling sound of alarm graced the morning's silence and we have to fight against the sluggishness and hurried ourselves to last minute packing.....reached bus station almost two hours before the ride and the subsequent eight hours of bus ride was a real torment....reached kuala terengganu by five in the afternoon and was so exhausted..but manage to have ais kacang later and becca's parent pampared us with a scrumptious dinner so dat really helped to brighten up the day, or to be more precise, ligthen up the night....hahah....
got up early next morning to catch the 8.30 bus to kuala besut which means we were to endure another two hours of torturing bus ride...never knew the jetty to pulau perhentian is that far from k.terengganu...the speedboat ride from mainland to the island was really a bumpy and fun ride...we got lifted off the seats real high when the boat got to hit some real tough wave....our butt seriously hurted like hell.....and the boat went so fast my cap just flew off into the sea...that was the sad part of the fun part...we were all worn out after the 40 minutes ride but upon reaching our chalet and being warmly welcomed by the owner of the chalet who had prepared lunch for us(the food was just awesome), we felt energetic instantaneously and went snorkelling....dat was fun but tide was kinda high so water weren't as clear as usual...manage to see lots of fishes (nemo and dory)..turtle and corals...went to a few spots and there's this small island famed for its cold spring water where even strangers just splash the cold water to you...that was fun as well..it's like we just played around without even knowing each other's names...after snorkelling went back to our island and spent some leisurely time by the beach....never knew sand makes good bed.. managed to sand-burried one of my friends...haha...and kinda made a sculpture out of it....had one of the most care-free moments in life...
dinner was superb...we were basically spoilt for choice...had barbeque fish, squid, prawn, fried rice, salad and satay....palatte was seriously pampared...had a good sleep after that and before we spent enough time in slumberland again we had to wake up at six to see sunrise....but the sky was too cloudy so we couldn't see a perfect sunrise...snap some shots nevertheless and then went back to sleep before we had our last meal there and left the island at eleven something...
reached kt bout three in the afternoon...had keropok lekor REBUS instead of goreng cuz my throat was already itching...after that went and meet up sharon, one of my best mates in national service..had some good moments even though we crapped as usual....went to beach for a while...took some pics...then had nasi dagang for dinner...it's a speciality in terengganu and it wasn't dissapointing at all...good food, good company, good time.....before we realised, the trip came to an end just like every other thing...so my advice to ppl goin to perhentian(kecil), go for lily chalets...they are so cheap yet with good services....not to forget their good food as well...haha....
Here are some pics of perhentian~~
saw this mermaid on the beach~cool
random ramblings by
S.zhen a.k.a. reVerie
10:55 AM