Again the week has sped by so fast... despite the fact that it's a short sem that i am in, i felt so lazy to really pump in effort in studies...slept a lot more than usual....had more fun than usual... enjoyin life...haha.. sat for mock paper this week...think it will turn out fine... but mock for econs which is in two weeks time will be bad i think...never really touched the book since term started...concentrated too much on maths..which is a real headache to me now...but then when i start thinking about the fact that even the lecturer's kinda struggling solving the questions...i dun feel that bad...sense of relieve instead...haha....
finally got to watch the movie brokeback was really good...heath ledger and jake gyllenhaal were simply superb....their unalloyed feelings for each other really earn much tears..i don't feel any sense of disgust or disapprobation at all.. just pure acceptance... accept the fact that they themselves didn't want things to turn out the ways they did.. i seriously pay homage to they have the courage to face they have tried real hard to metamorphose and conform to the conventional stereotype they are expected to be... how they try to give up each other but to no avail eventually.... a great storyline with just the right actors...awesome... no wonder it has won numerous awards...well worth the watch...
Something from v for vendetta again...
[dElicoussss v-dialogue as my sister puts it]
In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-à-vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you......and you may call me V.
[the ever so long self introduction of *V*] sounDs familiaR??hehe...
Friday, March 31, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Days of lately have passed significantly fast...guess it's due to the increasing load of homeworks due... can sense the tense even though I don't really realise that exams are drawing nearer as lecturers tend to constantly drone on and on about the exams...and last january externals results were out...i did generally fine..was satisfied....even though some papers were not up to expectations but economics turned out to be the underdog...haha...surprised....
watched final destination 3 and v for vendetta the other day...a movie destination wasn't that good...can kinda predict how they will die...just the intensity of grossness that will trigger you slightly...still the first sequel 's the best i would say...they really drag the time the victims suffered before they're doomed...haha....chunted....on the other hand....v for vendetta was good...hugo weaving was of impressive disposition...with all the words and verses pragmatically rephrased...sometimes i couldn't even catch what he was blurting so fast a speed...a very different of my friend said that the graphic novel was better with other intricacies....v for vendetta's quite a famous graphic novel according to her..and that's why the making of the movie was quite a hit among those avid graphic novel readers...
have mock exam this week itself... it's better to have it early...can really find my weak points and really work on them for the remaining weeks.... can't wait for the month may to come...not because of the external exams...but i miss both my siblings too dearly...hopefully i will still be able to concentrate for exams preparation when they're back...haha...seriously can't wait...
till then, adieu~~
[Got this from somewhere bout v for vendetta]
'A revolution without dancing, is not a revolution.'
I pondered the words of the masked man as he took the ladies hand, and together they waltzed, gliding across the carpeted stone floor, dancing to a tune long forgotten. Why was he dancing, now of all times? On the eve of his supposed triumph, the finale of his satirical play looming with every tick of the clock, and he's, dancing?Maybe, it's best we start at the beginning.But then again, why should I?Do you want to know the beginning? Isn't the end all that matters? For him, clad in that ever grinning face of steel, the end was all that mattered, it justified the means, it meant justice to him. Look at him, you cannot see his face, yet his words will make you look at yours. You doubt me? Follow the fool and end up a bigger one?True.If only we knew what he was, how he came to be, why words seem to glide so fluently and charismatically from behind a Faustian mask. Such a gripping persona, one so broad and wide, yet troublingly shallow at times. At least with her, there is depth; no question remains unanswered with her. She had tragic past, lives a tragic life, but surely, mercy and reprieve await her days to come.
'Remember, remember, the 5th of November.'
Before they danced, long before he would even ask for her hand, there was an idea. Was it his? I cant say for certain. Yet it drove him, as it drove Guy Fawkes many centuries before. Did it drive someone before even Fawkes? Maybe. Ideas are eternal; ideas are well, bullet-proof so to say. It isn't in our time that 'his' idea was driven against, although it would be fairly safe to assume that maybe your children would live to experience it. Will your children live in a time when deceit and lies blanket the truth? Will they be vindicated, violated and vilified like he was? When the voice of your country subjugates it people, forces them into silence, would you, listen in awe, or listen in fear? But above all that, it matters most whether you will listen or if you will not at all.
'There is no coincidence, only opportunity.'
And he will strike and strike when it arises, seldom as it may be. Does he care not for the guns they hold, the Kevlar they adorn? Not in the least. Steel will glimmer and flash in the pale light, knives will draw and knives will sing, short a medley as it was, I felt that urge, to, well, sing along.Ah, he bolts off again, draped in black, cape fluttering behind him. Will you follow? Do his words reach you, will you listen to his words? For all that he may seem to be, a mask, the knives, the simple pleasures he partakes in, you still have to think, you have to envision.
If you will do that, you will follow him, and you will be free. =]
random ramblings by
S.zhen a.k.a. reVerie
9:27 AM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Was happy that peter gade has beaten lindan to qualify himself to the China Masters MS final....even though lin has the home advantage with thousands of fans screeching in the hall...gade has proved his will be up against chen jin who won the ticket to finals after beating kenneth jonassen....and mia audina's back after a long break...her back hand was damn good...smashes were precise as well...but still lost to xie xing fang who's defence's equally impressive... game's been a bit different nowadays since the change of 21 points end quite fast as every service over carries mark..still best of three though.. kinda sad that i can't enjoy watching the finals at home and have to get updated by dad...
went ice skating last friday with bunch of class was fun... was a real amateur...fell down four or five times in total...kinda fun falling down...haha...although the first fall was kinda embarassing... but the consequent falls kinda get me better at it.. guess you have to fall to learn...that goes for everything...once you got the feeling of have no fear whatsoever since you 've already experienced the worst....
and yeah, 090306--> a date to remember ;p
random ramblings by
S.zhen a.k.a. reVerie
10:55 AM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Finally i've finished the book - the five people you meet in heaven..thanks to a friend who lend it to me..don't have to wait for months before my sister can bring that book back...have been coveting for the book for my take on the's mind triggering basically, gets you thinking about heaven...what's really up there in heaven, or is it even up above us.. as it might just be on the same piece of land we are treading on... the author's underlying point is that he envisioned heaven as any place where the person can find eternal calmness, happiness and it could be anywhere the person has always enjoyed being at....may it be the monotonous place that you've spent your last 20 years...haha...if ever that's true, i think i will end up in my own house...preferably with a chocolate factory right next to will be a real dream come true...and what the title has will meet five people at five different place before you reach your own heaven....those five will come with the great onus of teaching the person a lesson... lessons based on your past life when you get to see with greater clarity the life you have lived, which have often been a blur... you will get to learn from your mistakes which would have changed some people's life ..or even worse...cost their lives..directly or tortuously.. it's amazing how things can be related in such a inexplicable... which reminds me of what one of my friend has said...everyone in the world is connected to most six degrees of connection..never more...intriguing....
guess different people will have different perception or idea of heaven...mine's quite similar to the one in the cartoon tom and jerry....when it's high up above the clouds where u can actually walk on...and you have to like get interviewed at a platform...but i don't really quite agree with that part...cuz when you fail the will get hurled down straight to hell...i think the decisions should have been made before you are 'sent' to heaven or hell... anyway, the cartoon's damn a nutshell...great book..mitch sure has some flair for such mind provoking writings...
saw a movie today...proof...starring Gwyneth parltrow and Jake Gyllenhaal....really inspring...parltrow's a devoted daughter who has come to face the death of her father, a brilliant mathematician whose genius was crippled by mental insanity...then there's a little suspense as to who actually found the proof... the movie really insprired me.... my love for maths grew even deeper now..hahha....just wish i can come up with my own devised proof or formulae...that will be the greatest appreaciation ever....but i am just too tiny an entity in the ever prodigious mathematical field...haha...
got loads of homework...but since i am still i come, hyperbolic functions!! haha
random ramblings by
S.zhen a.k.a. reVerie
11:00 PM